Why we do, is more important than what we do.

An ideology that is simple, yet far fetched.

Figuring out our why is the most important step in our lives. The why gives us the passion and drive to pour our blood, sweat, and heart into every goal we have. Without that passion, we’re just a drone that fulfills a service, sometimes even at a high level. But what separates those who create change from those who follow change, is the why that can drive an industry wide revolution, all of which starts with a dream.

Finding your why is a process, and it often evolves as we grow. My why began as a kid doodling faces on schoolwork. I didn’t know it at the time, but that was the beginning of my dream. Looking back now, I can see how the dots connect from those days learning to convey cartoon emotions with a pencil, to now chasing the fleeting emotions that tell our stories. When telling a story, communicating the emotions behind the stories why is the reason that we all feel emotionally tied to that story. Learning how to convey emotions and evoke these feelings in our audience is what elevates our stories to a higher level. When we are successful at this, we create stories that last a lifetime. This is my dream, chasing the stories that are worth telling, the stories that will change lives.

Email me at d3wphoto@gmail.com

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